Thursday, January 14, 2010


I am back... if only for a few minutes! ;) My life has been so very busy. Between five children, Christmas, two weeks in Utah AND my sweet Nanny leaving me, there has just been no time to blog. To start out McCall left. Boo... I knew from the beginning that her time here was going to be short (at least for me)... Apparently she had to get on with her life... you know with friends, jobs, school and such... whatever! Seriously though... I cannot tell you how great it was to have here live with us. Thanks dear... you were and are currently the best!

Next... we traveled to Utah for Christmas. We had the greatest time! We snowboarded, went tubing, saw movies, visited cousins, played games, loved on Grandma's, had sleepovers with friends and much, much more. Isaac and Avery flew to the Vegas bowl. They nearly froze watching the game and of course took not one picture.

We spent Christmas eve with Isaac's family. Isaac cooked his famous prime rib and we all ate and ate. The brothers and sisters loved having the annual name draw-gift exchange. The best part of the evening is when you give your gift to the persons name you drew you have to tell them one reason why you love, admire, or are thankful for them. I had my brother-in law Mike this year. I told him that I was thankful that he was my fellow SF Don! (and that he might be the funniest person that I know). We also acted out the nativity. I was lucky enough to be Mary two years in a row. I think that it must be some kind of record to have a newborn two Christmas' in a row! Next year it is Heathers turn to be Mary...(Don't get any ideas Ike)

Isaac and I spent New Year's in SLC. We ate dinner and walked around the city. We saw the live bands playing at EVE and rang in the New Year with fireworks. I have to say that the best part of that whole evening was the full nights sleep we got in our hotel room!

I loved spending time with Lynzi and her twin babies. It was crazy when we had all 4 babies at her house together. 4 babies under the age of 1... crazy. I saw my newly married niece, Rivers when she and Graycee and Nan came to Lynzi's for Bajio and chit-chat. I wish I could have spent more time with them... I love you guys! We also celebrated Colleens (Mom-in-law) B-day by eating sushi and seeing a movie... just us girls.

There were so many other people that I wanted to see, but my time ran out. Two weeks was not nearly enough time.

Here are all the pictures of our trip. Your job now is to put names with faces and events. (sorry... no time for that...

I hope to post a little sooner this next time...can't promise anything though. Sorry Mom. ;)


Heather Kelley Pinegar said...

Lea Kelley!!! Are you KIDDING me with that picture??? Hello!! Oh well just consider that my before pic!! I LOVE my body bugg by the way!! THere will never again be a picture I am upset over like that one!!
Cute pics of all the rest though. You have lots I don't have, wierd!
Miss you guys!!

ash said...

LOVE the update and pics, but it totally makes me miss you and all your cute boys :) I am thinking it is time to start planning our next get together. Somewhere warm and kid-friendly, Mexico perhaps?!?! Let's chat soon!