Monday, December 7, 2009


It is hard to believe that 1 year ago we had our sweet Colt. Life is hard to imagine without him. Although he wears us out... he is the absolute light of all of our lives. Happy Birthday sweet boy!!!


Haws Family said...

Wish we could have been there to celebrate. He looks like he was spoiled. Can't wait to see you if I can get a plane ticket. We are working on it.

Heather Kelley Pinegar said...

I love him!!! He is so funny and so cute!! Happy Birthday Colt Kelley!!!

Boley J. said...

Holy crap he's one.

Lesley Daley said...

It sounds like this little 1 yr old of yours is like my 1 yr old..... BUSY!! Zac is seriously the busiest kid, but I can't get enough of him. Tonight I picked up the front room to vaccum, and while getting the vaccum out and plugged in he had a blanket, hat, 2 emesis basins, and a PEZ dispenser out all over the floor I had just picked up??? He's a maniac. Are you on Facebook?
You're family is just adorable! Hope you are doing well. If you come out anytime soon, please give us a call. It would be great to catch up.