Monday, February 1, 2010


The babies got their pictures taken while we were in Utah. I was surprised at how well they both did. Very little crying from Case and none from Colt. It was an awkward age for Case to get his done... not young enough for newborn pics, yet not old enough to sit up. I was worried, but he smiled and was very alert for a two month old. They turned out too cute... so much so that I can not choose which ones to frame! Help!


Heather Kelley Pinegar said...

Good luck with that...they are seriously way too cute to pick just a few!! We all LOVE them down here!

ash said... will probably have to get them all! Those boys are soooo cute Lea! They look like twins - one big and one little! Miss and love you guys!

P and Missy said...

Loving every stinkin one of these pics. Tough choice but I'd hang all of them. Those are some darling darling little boys.

Anonymous said...

I'm with everybody else...all the pictures are adorable.

Higginson Family said...

WOW! they are beautiful boys. I have fallen in love with their eyes. I think you might have to frame all of them.

Tonia Nelson said...

I am with everyone else.....frame them all....Lea they are so dang cute! You have the cutest kids!!!!

Shannon said...

k when i saw these pictures on Kate's blog i literally freaked out! GORGEOUS! I would get ALL of them, you can't choose, they are seriously so Beautiful!

I will have you know when Isaac came to Jills and tylers while you were visiting, i about ate that little Colt. He wouldn't let me kiss him, so i decided to bite him instead.. Ew he is so stinkin cute!

i've decided you guys have the most Beautiful Children, they should all be models!!

Lesley Daley said...

Sorry, can't help ya. TOO CUTE! I love them, so so cute.