Sunday, September 4, 2011


We spent celebrating the 24th of July with the Frazier clan in Park City. We did all of the great things that you do there... like the Alpine slide, Coaster and the Zip Line. Colt LOVED both the coaster and the slide, while Case hated both. They are so very different that way. Colt is my dare-devil while Case is afraid of EVERYTHING! Even the ride up on the ski lift Case was screaming while Colt wanted to stand up! I loved seeing Lynzi with her baby bump AND finally meeting River's new baby Stella. How adorable is she?!? We had the greatest time... just looking at these pics makes me miss all of them. :( I love you all!


Anonymous said...

All the pictures make me miss you all even more than usual. Can't wait to see you! Love, Mom

Heather Kelley Pinegar said...

Love your posts! But did you get that pic of me, I thougth I got rid of them all!
I love the PC ones...I want to squish that Stella. I think we should do an arranged marriage with her and Luke!