Friday, September 9, 2011


Ethan is going out for 7th grade Presidency! Here is a shot of one of many posters that we made the first of the week. Every day he wore a "just do it" shirt. Today is election day, so Ethan, A.J., Eliot and I ALL wore our "just do it." shirts to the school to pass out suckers. The suckers read.... Don't be a sucker VOTE ETHAN. The other one said Don't be a dum-dum VOTE ETHAN! I forgot to get a picture of all of us before school... so you just get A's and I. :) Cross your fingers for Ethan today!!!!!


BOHICA said...

What a cute creative mom you are! So excited for him and so proud that he went out for it. Go E!!

Anonymous said...

Ethan has my vote! Also, my love.
Miss you all. Grandma Frazier

Anonymous said...

ethan good luck!!!! we love you soo much, we miss you all!! hope you min..send us some suckers.... oh and my mom said she would like to be your vice presidant! :) love, addie♥