Monday, September 20, 2010


It is football season around here... so that means that we eat, sleep and breathe it! Even Colt knows what time of year it is. These pics are from two different occsions where he has put Eliot's gear on and just strolls around the house like it feels totally right to have this stuff on. :) One of the pics he is even naked, having just gotten out of the tub and then he ran to put back on the helmet which Mom MADE him take off in order to bathe!

Ethan, #19 and Avery, #5, play for the Clarkston Cougars. Isaac and Uncle Regan are the coaches so that makes it extra fun for them. They also have lots of friends from church, school and teammates that are on their other sports team... basketball, baseball and such. So far we are undefeated! Go Cougars!

We had one big weekend with Isaac's Bantams playing their first game, Ethan & Avery playing their first game, Eliot playing his first game of the season AND Ethan and Avery passing the Sacrament for the first time...(They were ordained to be Deacons the week before by Isaac)...So my Mother-in-law and Father-in-law flew out for the weekend to be here for all the firsts! We had so much fun having them here. The boys were thrilled to have them at all their events. Also... Grandma Mugsy and Grandpa Hansen happened to fly out that same weekend so we were extra lucky to have them here also!

Ethan and A.J's team got together at Robin and Regans house to go over film... but mostly just to swim, have a BBQ, play ping pong, and build a fire in the fire pit. Colt thinks that he is one of the players. He sat on the serving table while Isaac served the boys with one hand in the bowl of Cheetos and the other hand in the Doritos, all while drinking his Fanta. Could have been one of the best days of his life!

Eliot, #7, playing for the Falcons this year... He LOVES that he gets to play tackle football this year. Oh, and it does not hurt that his best buddy Brinton, is on the same team. As of right now all of Eliot's dreams have come true!

Even when we are not "officially" playing in a game... we are STILL playing!

Ike is coaching the defense for the Clarkston Bantams this year. As of right now we have won 2 games, lost 1. These boys love Isaac and Isaac loves coaching. I sometimes get "slightly " bugged about all of the time that this coaching job takes... but I quickly remind myself how much joy Ike gets out of it and try not to be bugged! I have to remember that I married into this football life... so I best get used to it!


Rachel said...

Leah I am totally with you on the coaching thing. It takes so much time. Jared loves it too. There are much worse things they could be doing right? And I love to watch hin out there with the boys too. I bet they love Ike.

Court and Boley said...

I LOVE FOOTBALL SEASON. Those pictures of Colt maybe the best thing I have seen in a while.

Sheraka said...

who is he yelling at?