Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Now before you begin, I must warn you that there are tons and tons of pics of this Utah trip... proceed with caution! I had the greatest time in Utah. I was there for about 2 1/2 weeks and it still was not nearly enough time. Below is the rundown of a few things that we did out there. To start ... is the Hansen camping trip. Check out the cute pics of Grandpa Hansen and Grandma Hansen... they are the cutest!

Babies loving our morning walks!

We went to the Big Red Barn at Thanksgiving Point. Colt loved, loved, loved riding the pony. In fact... he would run back over to the riding arena and try to get under the rails for another turn! He also loved feeding the ducks with his cousin Colee and running with his cousins Eli and Frazier. Eli (maybe?) took a nasty spill while we were there. Unfortunately... his forehead broke his fall! He was tough... did not even really cry. Just got up and started running again.Thank heavens Jacob and Collette were there to help keep track of the little ones. How about the pic of Lynzi and I on the wagon ride? Just a little sweaty. ;)

It looks like when we took the kids to Jump-on-it that I may have been having the most fun! I loved it soo much that I went back without little kids a few days later so that I could jump all by myself. I made London come with me so that everyone there was not concerned that an "old" Mom was jumping alone!

We saw a Bee's game and had great seats right down front thanks to Sheraka. It rain right as we were going into the stadium, but cleared right up as were sat down. What a great night.... could not tell you who won the game. I was having too much fun chattin' with the girls!

Uncle Brian let us swim in his pool for one of the days. We had it all... sun, food, entertainment with Mike, EsDee, London and the rest of the crew doing tricks off the diving board. The only thing missing was Isaac. While I spent 2/12 weeks in Utah, he spend that time back East on business. We missed him!

Colt snagged my Pepsi and was lovin' life. He may be an addict and not because we let him, but because he is very, very sneaky! Oh... and maybe because Mom ALWAYS has one just sitting around, waiting to be enjoyed! Oops... ;)

Case started walking with the help of this push toy while we were in Utah. I should say maybe started running... he was cruising! (he now can walk all by himself!)

The girls at our outing to Park City. We shopped tons and ate at my FAVORITE resturant Baja Cantina. Can't beat that... eating and shopping!
We spent the day at the Lindon Pool where they have this cool wake/surf thing that the kids absolutly loved! Well... Eliot and his cousin Eian did not exactly love it , but they tried it. Ethan, London, Avery, Addison and EVEN Lauren took turns on it. Lauren wiping out and showing the park her bum when her suit almost came off was the best!


Jamie said...

Cute family. I miss seeing their family at games. I know that was a hundred years ago but we saw each other every weekend for lots of years of football! Hope you are all doing well!!! Your family is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you and the boys had tons of fun...sure wish the girls and I could have made it to Utah/Idaha this summer to spend time with Tiffnie and Tonia and their families.

Lesley Daley said...

Hi Lea! Wish we could have met up with you while visiting Utah. Although I know 2 weeks isn't nearly enough time to see everyone and do everything you'd like. I would love to see your kids and meet your hubby. I think he and Aaron would get along. Kade is a sophmore this year and is starting middle linebacker for the varsity team. :) It makes me happy he's doing what he loves. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer earlier this year, and went through radiation this summer :(, but I'm feeling better....finally! Just a quick run down of my going on's :). I'd love to keep in touch more. Do you have Facebook or email? Hope you're doing well. You're family is darling.