Saturday, November 5, 2011

HALLOWEEN 2011.....

Halloween was too fun this year! Look at my kids.... they had a great time and they were so funny! Here we are trunk-r-treating... Colt LOVED trick-r-treating. Isaac followed him around just laughing... he would just sneak to the front of the line get his treats then take off running to the next car! Case on the other hand hated it. He would not put on his Batman costume! Avery was Superman, so.... he, Case and Colt were the super hero's. :) Ethan was the FUNNIEST old man with a cane and I swear he never came out of character! Eliot was of course the chubby sumo wrestler. The girls in the shot were a couple of my young women girls that I love so I had to take a pic of them. I also threw in a couple pics of the Halloween decorations that I made this year. I hosted Halloween Bunco at my house and so I was super motivated to make my house very festive! Bunco pics to come soon.... ;)


Anonymous said...

What a fun night for everyone! And, your decorations are fabulous as usual. Love you all and miss you always... Grandma Frazier