Monday, October 24, 2011


One big weekend for Eliot. He played in the championship game at the University of Idaho's football stadium and they won! His team ended up being undefeated for the whole season! Both he and Isaac had a great year. He also spoke in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday at church. He did so well and was so excited to do it! Mom cried the whole time... and look how handsome that boy is! ;) We love you Eliot and are so proud of all your accomplishments!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Eliot! I am not surprised that you do so well. It's great that Isaac can be there to help. You are a lucky boy and I am so proud of you. So handsome in your Sunday clothes.
Love, Grandma Frazier

Heather Kelley Pinegar said...

Love Love Love that he was excited to give a talk! I get physically ill when I have to...hope he can always be excited.
Wish we could have gone to some football games. Not only to see Bubba Man play but to see coach Kelley in action. Now that he has a son on the team I bet it is that much more personal for him ;)

Anonymous said...

wow bubba you are such a handsome boy! i miss you so much! great job on your championship. i love you so much! ♥/addie