Saturday, September 17, 2011


Eliot's team is playing AWESOME this year so far. We are 3-0 and today we played the only other undefeated team in the league and we killed them! Isaac is coach and Eliot of course loves that! :) Go Tigers!


Heather Kelley Pinegar said...

Way to go Tigers! I love the pics!! We miss you all the time but especially during sports seasons :( we would love to be wearing our own "21" shirts and at every game!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Eliot,
It looks like you are having lots of fun and winning too. What a great time. I miss you, but will see you soon.
Love, Grandma F.

Anonymous said...

hey eliot...
i am sooo proud of you i love you TONS!!!!! your such a good kid.
i miss you so much, come visit.!!!!!