Saturday, February 19, 2011


Eliot, #21 on the LC ELITE, celebrating after one of the two tournaments that he and his team have won this year! Eliot has really come to love basketball this year. He now says he wants to be an NBA player when he grows up... but I am sure that will change quickly when football season starts. :) I personally think that is has something to so with the snazzy uniforms they have. They even have shooting shirts to wear before the game... who knew of such a thing??? Even big brother Avery is a little jealous! Congrats Bubba on all your success with your team! We love you!

Eliot playing at one of the many tournaments that he has had this year. One every weekend since basketball season has started! Along with regular games and practices during the week...we play alot of ball around here!


Anonymous said...

Your camera takes good pics, what kind of camera do you have.
P.S. Your boys are so cute, the girls are gonna be after them.

Tonia Nelson said...

Congrats Bubba I can't believe how big your getting....Lea you need to bring the boys down here to Spanish Fork sometime when you are in Utah!