Monday, November 22, 2010


Am I aware that Case's Birthday is Oct. 23rd and do I realize that it is mid Nov? I do... I am just so, so slow! Without the "gentle" nudging of family members to post pics it may not have even happened! So to "you all"... thanks for the help!
Can you believe that my sweet Baby is one?!? This past year has gone by so fast! We love, love him so much! What a sweet little boy he is. He brings so much laughter to our family! I love seeing how close he and Colt have become and it is absolutely my favorite thing to see them play together! I hate to admit that I do get slightly jealous that he usually picks the Daddy over the Momma... but I keep telling myself that there is plenty of time to sway him to be a Momma's boy rather than a Daddy's boy! We love you Case Kelley!!!
For his little party we invited the Hansen's over to celebrate with pizza and cake and ice-cream!
Daddy and Baby Case blowing out the candles... or THE ONE candle!

Case LOVED his little cake. He actually did a very good job when eating it. It was all over him, but not all over my kitchen!

Colt thinking that it was his birthday... and the gifts also!
Kids at the party...

Case with his Uncle Regan. Boy does he love Regan... and I am pretty sure that it has a lot to do with the fact that he gives Colt and Case anything and I mean ANYTHING that they want! ;)


P and Missy said...

Yay for new pics and Happy Belated Birthday to Case! Hope all is well with you guys.