Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So... the quick run down of our Utah trip! We went to a couple of splash parks with Heather, Colee and baby Emee. Lynzi and her twins met up with us there. Is that not the cutest pic of them in their sunglasses? (don't know who is who to even try to name in the pic???) We went to the zoo with Mike and Heather...very very fun. Except for the part when Colt started to be a bully pushing innocent bystanders down. talk about an embarrassed Mom! HELP! We celebrated Isaac's B-day at Nana's with a b-b-q. As you can see in one of the pics... Colt has a Best Buddy. He LOVES his Uncle Heath... and I don't think that Heath dislikes him either... ;) Next, I spent time with my Mom and Sisters. We went to the movie and to dinner..and no, we did not call each other to coordinate our outfits... although it sure looks like it! I also saw my brother Ben and niece and Nephew Addie and Eian..they of course loved on the babies. Ike and I also stayed at Grand America for our Anniversary. LOVED IT! Ummmm... that may be it. Hows that for quick? Oh... I almost forgot... If you are wondering if Isaac and I are competing to see who can get the biggest arms, well yes we are. By the looks of it, I may be winning!!! (HELLO!!! WHATS UP WITH THAT?!) So... friends and Fam.. that is the quick breakdown of our fun filled Utah trip... until next time...BYE


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a familiar sight (which I haven't seen in a while living in NE)...snow on the mountains even though it's summer.

Haws Family said...

Lea,You look beautiful. Could you please help my brother not to wear muscle shirts everyday. I know that is a hard task. I see the tradition is passing down to his sons.lol Thanks for the update everyone looks darling. Wish we could have been there.

Heather Kelley Pinegar said...

That was a fun time! I am not sure what is up with your muscle arm...how funny because they totally do not look like that, it must have been the angle I was at.
LOVE the pic of Colt blowing kisses! That is my favorite thing he does. Uncle Bone is lost without his side kick.
Give everyone loves! We miss you guys.