Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Our sweet Eliot turned eight... just a little late, March 21st was the big day. I love how little kids are so excited about their birthday. He would ask every night before bed "Mom, now how many days til I'm eight?" Although he was excited about the gifts that he got... ripstick, Mario game, ANOTHER airsoft gun, Old Dogs movie a game for the X BOX and loads of money... he was most excited about being baptized. He got a new suit for the new day and also a journal to record all of the exciting events of the day so that he will never forget! He quizzed Isaac for almost two weeks every evening about "What EXACTLY was going to happen" Now if you happen to know Eliot you would also know that he does sometimes get a tad bit nervous about things, especially new things, but not this day. (I was way more nervous about having to give a talk!) It was a great day and I am so very proud of Eliot and the decision that he made to be baptized. We love, love, love you Bubba Man!


Haws Family said...

Thanks Lea for posting. I have been waiting for these pictures. Eliot we are so proud of your decision. Wish we could have been there. I love the pictures. I have never seen the boys with such shaggy hair. They look so different and big.

Heather Kelley Pinegar said...

Cute! Cute! Cute! Love the family pic and Bubba man we are so proud of you. You have some amazing boys and we love them all so much!

Boley J. said...

Looking good guys.

melissa said...

Happy Birthday to your little Bubba! If I had a birthday wish it would be to see you guys soon ;)